KDP Keyword Club

Don't Spend More Time Trying to Figure Out What Kind of Low Content Books to Sell.

The KDP Keyword Club includes 50 niche ideas or keyword suggestions that you can use to sell Amazon KDP low content and no content books and
a quarterly newsletter with tips to help you make sales!

 One of the main reasons low and no content books don’t sell is because people use the wrong niches and keywords. If you try selling a “blank journal” nobody will find it.

Use niches and keywords that will set you apart from the competition. I make sales every month on Amazon KDP.

I used my technique to find winning keywords just for you!

Only $5.00 $1.99 UNTIL 5/30! (plus a free bonus)

If you’ve tried selling low or no content books on Amazon KDP without success, you may be thinking it’s impossible to do. 

You’re probably thinking the business is saturated and that there is nothing new to bring to the KDP marketplace.

This couldn’t be further from the truth! there is an almost endless supply of niches that you could be targeting right now. Let me share with you niches and keywords that are not saturated at all! 

Why are you using the terms niche and keyword interchangeably?

Because the niche is the audience you are targeting and you will use relevant keywords to get people to see your books.  When you sign up for the KDP Keyword Club you will receive both: the list of 50 niche ideas and the related keywords.

How will I succeed if everyone receives the same keywords?

Because you won’t! I send different groups of keywords to different groups of KDP’ers. The same set of keywords will go to no more than 100 KDP’ers at one time. That way, you will have an even better chance of succeeding with the keywords you receive.

How long will it take for my books to start selling once I start using the keywords?

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you that, and no one can. The best thing is to try out the keywords, use the design tips you’ll receive as a part of our membership, and keep working on creating the best content possible. The more you post the higher your chance of succeeding.

I’ve tried KDP before but made no sales. Why not?

If you’ve given your products 30 days to sell and have had little to no success, chances are the problem is the cover design, the niche you’re targeting, or the keywords and descriptions you’re using. 

If you need assistance with your book covers you may want to hire a designer on a platform like fiverr or upwork for custom covers. 

What else will I receive with my membership?

In addition to receiving 50 proven niche ideas, for the next six months you will also get access to a quarterly newsletter that will give you tips and tricks to help you start and grow your KDP journal business.

In addition to needing the right niches, you also need to know how to design the book covers and how to make or find great interiors. I will help you with that in the newsletters.

When will I receive the list?

Immediately! You will then receive newsletters every quarter that you remain a subscriber. The newsletters will include exclusive tips so stay connected!

Why am I qualified to offer this membership?

I have been selling low content and no content journals on KDP for over a year. I’ve learned how to find quality niches and keywords that get me sales every single month. Now I want to share them with you so you can start selling too!

Can I cancel anytime?

Of course! Stay in as long as you like. You can unsubscribe from the membership newsletters anytime.  Unfortunately, due to the nature of this product, there are no refunds on the list. That’s why I offer a few free niches on this page, so you can check them out first.

What payment types are accepted?

All major credit cards are accepted through Stripe.

What types of niches can I expect?

Niches are everywhere! The niches in this list include everything from hobbies to obscure interests.

Only $5.00 $1.99 FOR A LIMITED TIME!

If You Want to Make Sales with Amazon KDP, This is For You!

you've tried to sell low or content books on Amazon KDP you know. It's difficult when you target the wrong niches. This list gives you the jumpstart you need.

Yes, I Want the List!

There are some AWESOME low content book ideas included and it wouldn’t be fair to list them here, but these are the types of low and no content books you can create with them:

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